CHERISH YOUR LIFE! (For Catherine, my niece) Cherish your life! Live everyday Attuned to it's grand heights. Thoughts that can play to clear the way Hold rare and dear delights. Entice these fine thoughts to your mind, Regarding all you do -- Inspired through faith's bind, you'll find Night clear as day for you.... Extol the greatest and the least; Joy finds the best in all! Until life's ceased, you'll live a feast, Varied, divine -- a ball! Engage in life beyond the stars, Near to close Heaven's gate; Topple the bars that block life's cars, Infused with love -- not hate! No one can lead you by the hand Along life's harried road. Move past the band along that strand, Or carry its tough load. Noble ideas are common-place -- Pause, and obtain your share.... Love's common face can fit each race, And place sweet kindness there. Instill just sweet love in your soul! Surrender to its light. In love's pure role, you will stay whole, Reliving day in Night. 05/29/1998 Copyright (c) 1998 by Ronald G. Auguste